Saturday, November 6, 2010

How to install Flex 4 SDK on your linux OS?

Hi, first of all, why to install Flex 4 sdk ?
Because you can  write code in ActionScript3.0 and compile into SWF file using any edit program and any Operating System.
Also you are not bound to buy a license for flex 4 or Flash Profesional CS 3,4,5, a license which cost a lot for any middle person.

I am using at this moment Ubuntu Linux v.10.10.

1. Download Flex 4 SDK  from this link   (Download -> Free Adobe Flex SDK) or directly from here . Save it to Desktop.

2. Unzip and change the name to "flex"

3. Open a terminal (to use the command line) and write the following code to create a folder  called "flex4" at address "/opt/"
  sudo mkdir /opt/flex4

4. Now, you need to move SDK program from Desktop to that address . Here is the code :
sudo mv flex/* /opt/flex4/ 
This command move all files from flex to flex4 folder. If you want to check you moved everything , you can write in terminal :
 cd /opt/flex4

5. Now, your machine needs to know what to do when you type in terminal a code like  mxmlc This command line compile the code wrote in file  "file_name" in a SWF file.
To know, you need to add the following code in a specific file called ".bashrc" :
gedit ~/.bashrc

and add(copy -paste)  to the last line  export PATH=/opt/flex4/bin:$PATH

Have fun , programming is fun!

Monday, June 7, 2010

How to ... on Ubuntu [Easy Questions]

==This content is continually updated==

1. Q:How to add/remove folders from "Places" on my ubuntu menu?
A:Open a random folder and press CTRL+B to Edit BookMarks(removing option) and CTRL+D to add the current folder.

2. Q:How to view CHM (MS Compiled Html Help) files on linux?
A:Install xchm program typing in terminal :
sudo apt-get install xchm

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to say in japanese ::...

On the left , you have numbers from 1 to 10 in japanese :
ichi ni san shi go roku nana hachi kyu ju.

This is a simple list to trace my japanese vocabulary and to remind these words.

==This content is continually updated==

I write here in this manner :
english :: romaji :: hiragana/katakana :: kanji ;

- == I don't know
1. car :: kuruma(romaji) ::くるま(hiragana) :: (kanji) ;
or tehnical term jidousha (romaji) :: じどうしゃ (hiragana) :: 自動車 (kanji); 
2. wheel :: sharin :: しゃりん :: 車輪
3. game :: geemu :: ゲーム :: -
4. online :: osoraiso ( I guess) :: オンライン :: -
5. bicycle :: jitensha :: じてんしゃ :: 自転車
6. morning :: asa :: あさ :: -
7. dog :: inu :: いぬ :: -
8. sea :: umi :: うみ :: -
9. station :: eki :: えき :: -

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to install Japanese input on Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic Koala)

This is a tutorial for the users who use Ubuntu v9.10 or later and want to write in japanese(hiragana ,katakana, kanji) on this OS. First of all, you need to install SCIM package by command line.

1.Go to Applications -> Accessories ->Terminal and write :
sudo apt-get install scim-bridge-client-gtk (press and you'll need to write your password then)
sudo apt-get install scim-anthy (install japanese characters)

2.Go to System->Administration->Language support to enable scim-bridge
at "Keyboard input method system"

3.Logout and login again , to apply these changes and when you want to input japanese characters you can press :
ctrl+spacebar to open SCIM and
ctrl+shift to switch for japanese.

Have fun with japanese. I have!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

First program in assembly for pic16f628

My program just turns on a led with pic16f628. This is quite simple for all beginner programers, because you just need to write this :

I have compiled with MPLAB (a free compiler from Microchip) , and programed my pic with icprog.

ORG function - Programs starts at 0x000 in pic's memory

- bit set f

bsf f,b

bit "b" in register f is set.

movlw -move literal to 'w'
movlw k
bit literal "k" is loaded into the 'W' register.

movwf function -move data from "W" reg to "F" register.

bcf -Bit clear f
bcf f,b
bit 'b' from 'f' register is cleared.

Why did I change my place from Bank0 to Bank1 and viceversa? (I am talking about bsf STATUS,RP0 and bcf STATUS,RP0 line code)

Answer: Because TRISA register is located in Bank1 for this microcontroller and PORTA register is located in Bank0 . So , I wrote to reg TRISA , status '0' for output pins :
bit 0 -for output pins : LEDS, LOADSPEAKERS, etc
bit 1 -for input pins: Buttons ,etc

and 1 (movlw 0xff , movwf PORTA) at PORTA to turn on the leds from A pins .

Take a look at Bank0 and Bank1 locations:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Solar System ScreenSaver

for Mobiles [240x320].It's not FULLSCREEN for other resolutions.

It's my second screen saver for my new nokia 5130XpressMusic .
Planets in animation : Mercur, Venus , Terra[Mother Earth], Mars[Home...], Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus , Neptun.

Unfortunately deleted my screensaver and I don't have any copy of this :(